Another Broadway Story guidelines
This is a group event.
The group should consist of a maximum of 15 members
A team may include members from same/different colleges.
The performance can be in English, Hindi and /or Bengali.
Time on stage allocated for each performance must not exceed 30 minutes (including setup time).
A warning bell will be given after 25 minutes and the final bell will be given at 30th minute.
Each team should mention the name of the participants as well as the team name.
Green rooms will be provided. All costumes and accessories should be arranged by the participating team itself.
Usage of unparliamentary language and derogatory comments will not be entertained and may lead to immediate disqualification.
The performance should not contain anything which may hurt anyone’s religious sentiments.
No additional equipment will be provided except two tables and four chairs. The technician will operate all the house lighting and audio systems. The organizing committee is responsible only for infrastructural facilities and shall not be so for security of items in green rooms or on stage after performance.
Stage dimension will be communicated prior to the show Participants have to bring along their background music (if any).
Judges will mark each group on the basis of composition of the drama, acting, script and costume.
The organizing committee deserves the right to change or modify the rules, timings etc. with prior notice
The jury’s decision will be final. Participating groups have to abide by these rules, else they will be disqualified.
The organizing team reserves the right to change or modify any of the rules if required.
Key Points
- Event Type : Group Drama competetion
- Topic : Your Choice (following guidelines)
- Prize Pool : Exciting Prizes
- Registration Fee (BPPIMT) : Rs 400 per team
- Registration Fee (Non BPPIMT) : Rs 600 per team
- Event Status : Offline
- Total Time given per team : 30 minutes
- Venue :BPPIMT (vip campus)
- Event Date : 24th March 2023 (2:15 pm to 5:00pm)

Co-ordinator & Volunteer
Feel Free to ask your doubts regarding the events to the respective Co-ordinator & Volunteer
+91 9903195524
+91 7384657166
+91 8583971322